Anne Alyse practices a form of acupuncture from an ancient text, the Nan Jing. This method of acupuncture is called Five Elements Acupuncture. She received extensive training in this method of Acupuncture from Neil Gumenick, who, in turn, studied with J.R. Worsley in England. This form of acupuncture focuses primarily on restoring Constitutional Health. By treating the cause of disease rather than the symptoms healing occurs deeply and naturally. The symptoms dissipate permanently as the you become a healthier version of yourself. With this method healing occurs from the inside out.
Healing is based on your unique constitution
Every individual has a unique constitution, Fire, Earth, Metal, Water, or Wood. By balancing nature within us, health is restored at a deep level, which in turn augments a feeling of well being on all levels, mental, physical, emotional and spiritual. Physical symptoms lessen and eventually disappear as you feel an increase in mental clarity and a greater sense of well being and satisfaction. Patients usually say that they feel more like themselves.
How are these sessions different from other forms of Acupuncture?
With other forms of acupuncture practitioners often work with several patients simultaneously, moving from one room to another. You will receive Anne Alyse's undivided attention while you work with her. Before treating she takes time with you. Moxabustion is used before acupuncture techniques to warm up channels and points, strengthening and freeing up energy that is stuck in your body. The session results are palpable as you will feel a positive shift after each session.
The initial session will require a 90 minute time commitment. After that each session will run 60 minutes.
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